Trinity C.M.E. Church

  • 321 N. Wilkinson St.
    Milledgeville, GA 31061



Today, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church sits on the corner of Wilkinson Street; however, its original building was established in the 1860s on the corner of Liberty and Franklin Street by the present gate of Memory Hill Cemetery. The congregation was originally part of the greater Methodist Epsicopal Church. About 20 years later in 1883, the church renovated its building, adding a steeple that towered far above the other churches in Milledgeville. Rev. Gideon Hill was the first clergyman in Trinity C.M.E. who worked on building up the church spiritually, while Charlie Steele, Frank Steele, and William Brooks worked on building the outside structure. After the Old Trinity church burnt down, a new brick building, pictured, was built in 1921 with the addition of a church bell. This content is from our African American Heritage brochure and WPA Church Records of Baldwin County, Black Churches, Sept. 19, 1939 Georgia Archives.