Nothing ushers in the spirit of the season like a sighting of jolly ole Saint Nick! From daytime sightings to North Pole-style settings, we’ve compiled a list of places to make sure you get the perfect amount of time to convince Santa to keep you on his nice list!

Santa is Squatting at Bodyplex

Santa lost a situp contest to the Abdominal Snowman... so on Thursday, December 5th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Santa will be at Bodyplex for pictures! Reservations can be made by calling Bodyplex at 478-414-1444, or by messaging them on Facebook. $30 per family includes an individual picture with Santa, a group picture (if more than one child) with Santa, family picture (if parents want to join in), and digital pictures for unlimited prints. 

Reindeer Flight School


Park your car and walk with your kiddos among over 30,000 lights at Milledgeville’s classic Reindeer Flight School! Produced by a private homeowner, families are invited to explore a wonderland of snowflakes, wreaths, flying reindeer, and more. Have your camera ready as there are several photo opportunities here including a life-size reindeer and Santa, himself! Santa sightings are possible nightly, but he typically appears on Friday and Saturday nights from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. beginning on December 11th - December 25th. Moms and Dads, please note that Santa doesn't appear in the rain to keep his red velvet coat looking its best. Reindeer Flight School is located at 101 Sportsman Circle on Lake Sinclair.

Market Day at Magnolia Rea

It’s the perfect time to find that unique gift for Christmas and Magnolia Rea is hosting a Market Day on Saturday, December 14th so you can do just that! Vendors from the region will be selling one-of-a-kind gifts, including artisanal jewelry, and home decor. Santa will be at the market from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. to take pictures with your family. 

Christmas Cove up Close

Christmas Cove

Experience the magic of Christmas Cove, a spectacular light show that you can only see by boat! This unique holiday display on the water is all in support of Ocmulgee Court Appointed Special Advocates. Santa himself will make a special appearance on December 21st from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., so don’t miss your chance to catch him cruising by! 

Just a heads-up: there won't be any boat tours for this event. If you'd like to catch the light display, you'll need your own boat. Don't have one? Reach out to local outfitters to see if they have any rentals available!

Cookies with Santa

The Cookie Company is hosting a Cookies with Santa event on Friday, December 13th, and Saturday, December 14th from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.! The cost is $30 per child, or $25 per child if booking multiple children, and includes a cookie to decorate, milk, and a picture with Santa Claus by Carley Sinclair Photography. To learn more and reserve your tickets message The Cookie Company's Facebook page. 

Santa Mailbox

Put Your Wish List in Writing

Cannot make it to see the big guy himself? Let Santa know what you want for Christmas by writing a letter and dropping it off in the red mailbox that says “Letters to Santa” placed outside City Hall! It is a direct route to the North Pole, so you can be sure Santa and his elves will get right on it. Mail that makes it to Santa’s desk is sure to get a response back, so make sure your address is legible. The special Santa Mailbox will be located outside of City Hall from December December 2nd - 13th. There is no charge to send Santa a letter.

grinch event

Jolly Saint Nick Not Your Thing? 

Naughty listers can meet the Grinch during First Friday: Holiday on Hancock on Friday, December 6th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Milledgeville Visitor's Center. Guests of all ages can get a picture with the Grinch and help him brainstorm evil plans to take over the holiday. Kids also get to decorate a festive cookie for free!